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Open positions

We are conducting research on the design and application of various functional nanomaterials.

We are recruiting graduate students and postdoctoral researchers with an interest in natural science and a passion for engineering

If you are interested, please contact


ANB Lab News

2024. 11
Jiwoo won 
the 6th Cosmax Excellence in Research Award
. Congratulations!

2024. 09
Sukyoung, So Hyung, and Hyun Min  were selected to receive a
research scholarship for master's students from the NRF. Congratulations!

The paper by Sung Hyun Park was published in
Nature Communications
. Congratulations!

2024. 05
Suyeon won
the 5th Cosmax Excellence in Research Award. Congratulations!

Kyeong Seok won
the Korea Society of Industrial Chemistry Award for Best Poster Paper. Congratulations!

2024. 04
The paper by Inae Lee and Kyeong Seok was published in
Applied Surface Science. Congratulations!

2024. 03
SuKyung and Hyun-Min are starting the integrated master's and doctoral course at ANB Lab. Welcome!

2024. 02
The paper by Eunyoung and Suyeon was published in
Nature Communications. Congratulations!
Featured in
[NEWSH], [ChosunBiz], [News1], [Dongascience], [Ohmynews], [Chungnamilbo], [Enewstoday], [CCNNEWS]

2024. 01
Chanhwi begins internship at ANB Lab. Welcome!


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Hanyang University
222, Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, 04763, Korea
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